If managing market volatility is your biggest concern, this is the fund for you. Although classified as a balanced fund, this scheme works differently compared to peers. While it relies on an in-house model to decide allocation between equity and debt, it has the freedom to hedge its equity positions in varying degrees using derivatives. This helps it retain the beneficial taxation of equity fund while making it less volatile than the regular balanced funds.
It has created a healthy track record of outperformance over the years, marred only during certain periods of market rally where its defensive hedging positions have limited returns.
However, with a superior risk-return profile, this is a more conservative offering than the regular balanced funds.

Invest Rs 1,50,000 and Save Tax under Section 80C. Get Great Returns by Investing in Best Performing ELSS Mutual Funds
Top 10 Tax Saver Mutual Funds to invest in India for 2016
Best 10 ELSS Mutual Funds in india for 2016
1. BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Fund
2. Axis Tax Saver Fund
3. Franklin India TaxShield
4. ICICI Prudential Long Term Equity Fund
5. IDFC Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund
6. Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96
7. DSP BlackRock Tax Saver Fund
8. Reliance Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund
9. Religare Tax Plan
10. Birla Sun Life Tax Plan
Invest in Best Performing 2016 Tax Saver Mutual Funds Online
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